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Det finnes så mange flotte mennesker og familier i dette lange landet vårt som mer enn gjerne vil feire Jul med nettopp DEG! Et træ fyldt med julelys.
Går mig kun til lidt over skuldrene. Det er en masse små åer, der løber sammen i en stor flod. Operationen gik godt, og den 19.
Jul med et SMIL - Familien Hjorth Hendriksen var så glade for at have en fremmed gæst sidste år, at familien i år gerne vil have to gæster at dele flæskestegen og anden med.
Anne-Mette Christiansen inviterer igen juleaften for ensomme ældre, ensomme enlige og enlige forældre og familier, der ikke har mange penge at holde jul for For hvis de falder, kan den ene hjælpe den anden op. Men ve den, der er alene! Citatet udtrykker meget godt den følelse, som mange enlige og ensomme sider med årets højtidsaften, juleaften. Julen er hjerternes fest. Med hygge, gaver og glæde, men slet ikke for alle mennesker. I 2016 var 13. Det viste en undersøgelse lavet af Voxmeter for Røde Kors. Danskerne agerer med en lang række organisationer, som beskæftiger sig med alt lige fra politik, beskæftigelse, sundhed, menneskerettigheder til bistandshjælp. Meningsmålinger spiller en stor betydning både i den offentlige debat og benyttes flittigt af politikere, rådgivere, embedsmænd og journalister. Hos Voxmeter føler vi et stort ansvar over for danskerne i forhold til, at målingerne altid afspejler et korrekt repræsentativt billede. Derfor stiller vi strenge krav til, at stikprøven er sammensat efter videnskabeligt anerkendte principper, og at spørgsmålsformuleringer og svarmuligheder altid fremstår neutrale. Forudsætningen for sammensætningen af en valid stikprøve er, at alle skal have haft lige stor chance for at blive hørt. Den bedste metode til at opfylde dette princip er at benytte telefoninterview, idet 99,9 % af befolkningen har en telefon. Tilfældighedsprincippet opfyldes ved, at Voxmeter genererer 93 % mobilnumre og 7 % stationære numre. Hermed fanger vi alle persontyper, både danskere med hemmeligt nummer, privatabonnement, firmatelefon samt taletidskort. Voxmeter gennemfører minimum 1. Det er dog lettere sagt end gjort. Derfor arbejder Voxmeter løbende med uddannelsen af vores interviewere, som oplæres i samtaleteknik og andre spørgetekniske forhold. Succeskriteriet for vores interviewere er, at 7 ud af 10 af dem, vi ringer op, skal indvillige i at deltage i vores undersøgelser. Dette kræver, at vores medarbejdere har en imødekommende telefonstemme, er veltalende og fremstår seriøse og professionelle. Derfor er Voxmeters interviewere ikke ansat på akkord eller bonus, men arbejder udelukkende på timeløn. Voxmeter har telefonsamtaler med minimum 52. Heldigvis er langt de fleste positive, når Voxmeter ringer for at gennemføre et interview. Desværre er der enkelte borgere, som føler sig generet over at blive ringet op, og det beklager vi dybt. Voxmeter er danskernes talerør, og formidler deres holdninger og ønsker til medier, virksomheder, politikere og organisationer. Derfor har vi en forpligtigelse til, at vores målinger afspejler virkeligheden korrekt. Forudsætningen er, at alle borgere skal have haft lige stor mulighed for at blive hørt. Derfor har vi som analyseinstitut også pligt til at ringe til alle, både folk med hemmeligt nummer og til folk der står på Robinsonlisten. Til gengæld må vi som analyseinstitut aldrig medvirke til direkte eller indirekte salg og aldrig viderelevere kontaktoplysninger, der kan knyttes sammen med svarene, danskerne giver os. Siden 1997 har Voxmeter garanteret vores respondenter 100 % anonymitet, og altid levet op til de nye GDPR-regler, som vi hilser velkommen. Voxmeters succeskriterie er, at vi altid har 100. Her adskiller Voxmeter-panelet sig fra de fleste andre paneler ved, at ingen har kunnet tilmelde sig på eget initiativ. Alle er tilfældigt udvalgt og inviteret personligt af en uddannet researcher. Derfor er alle persontyper repræsenteret; lige fra ung til ældre, højt til lavt uddannet, rig til mindre rig. Voxmeter investerer mange ressourcer på, at alle medlemmer er glade for at være medlem af vores panel. Dels sørger vi for, at Voxmeters spørgeskemaer altid fremstår seriøse og velgennemtænkte, samt bestræber vi os på, at emnerne er vedkommende. Derudover har medlemmer adgang til et attraktivt fordelsprogram, der tager højde for, hvad de enkelte persontyper synes godt om. Fordelsprogrammet sikrer en høj opnåelse og lang anciennitet.
Dan Rachlins weekend hilsen - Ensom i julen et tabu
Et nagasaki mirakel Camilla skulle gennemgå en stor akut operation for at få fjernet kræften i halsen. Og det er også grunden til, at vi tager dette initiativ. Hvis han falder, er der ingen anden til at hjælpe ham op. Anne-Mette Christiansen inviterer igen juleaften for ensomme ældre, ensomme enlige og enlige forældre og familier, der ikke har sin penge at holde jul for For hvis de falder, kan den ene hjælpe den anden op. Og det er en myte, at vi lever i en forjaget verden, hvor børn ikke har tid til at se deres gamle forældre, fastslår hun. Tina har været med i SMILET i et år nu. Jo flere vi er, desto hyggeligere bliver aftenen, siger Si Jul for ensomme mennesker. Behovet er stort Og Janne Gry Poulsen er sikker på, at behovet også er stort i Danmark.
All sexual content is forbidden! If you are under 16, you must have consent of a parent or guardian to use services like social media networks. These internal apps include stickers apps, meme generators, games and dating style apps that allow users to chat with new contacts which may be concerning for parents.
To add someone as a connection on Kik, you must know their username. If your teen is using the app encourage them not to share their username on other open social networks for example on Twitter. At Kik, we are dedicated to creating spaces where people are able to engage in meaningful conversations, with new people, on topic... These include cyber bullying, experiencing or sharing inappropriate content and chatting with strangers which is very easy to do on the Kik app.
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Benutzernamen für kik, hilft Ihnen beim Finden und Hinzufügen neuer Freunde auf Kik Messenger App von Benutzernamen Suche. We provide an easy way to find someone to talk to in modern messengers like Kik, Skype and WhatsApp. Liven up your group chats with Zo. App also north through the Kik browser presents users with a list of new users within their age range to chat to. Search for suitable company from the listings or add yourself. UPDATE: The Digital Age of Consent in Ireland is set at 16 years of age. Nina 27, 2018 News Kik's Guide for Law Enforcement April 11, 2017 Start Your Spring Chat kontakte kik Off Right - With Stickers. Who can my child talk to. If you receive a New Chat, tap on the chat, users can then choose if they want to chat or ignore the gusto. The app has been in the news recently, if your child has a Kik account, caution should be taken. We would not recommend either of these apps for teens. April 03, 2018 Culture Saint Patrick's Day Stickers on Kik!.
The personal identifying information available on AnyWho is provided solely by and is derived from Public Records, Publicly Available Information and Commercial Records. By sticking to hookup sites and apps, you avoid leading women on and wasting each other's time.
If you selected a trial membership please be advised that a pre-authorization hold was placed on your account in the event you decide to continue your membership, or do not cancel. Registration is free, and you're required to keep things respectful and discrete -- key values in a casual sex community that you'll no doubt already be on board with. Unless, that is, they are also users of the app and have also clicked the button beneath your face too.
Facebook hook-up app shows which of your friends want to 'bang' you - We do not accept gift cards or pre-paid cards. These sexy and sometimes X-rated sites and apps have a different tone and approach from traditional dating services by bringing together open-minded types who are specifically interested in no-strings-attached relationships.
There are lots of reasons to seek out a hookup rather than a serious relationship: Maybe you just got out of a long-term thing and you're looking for some casual flings to take your mind off things. Maybe you're so busy between work, hobbies and your social life that you simply don't have time to be an attentive, caring partner. Maybe you're one of those people who's realized that monogamy isn't for them, and rather than seeking out a lifelong, committed companion for all of your years, you'd rather live in the moment and experience a series of finite, passionate affairs -- or maybe you just want casual sex for casual times. Welcome to the vast -- and growing! These sexy and sometimes X-rated sites and apps have a different tone and approach from traditional dating services by bringing together open-minded types who are specifically interested in no-strings-attached relationships. While it might raise the eyebrow of your grandparents or that overly conservative cousin you hardly ever see, more and more people, particularly millennials, are adopting a and potential partners. You don't have to link your Instagram account, for example, or make yourself discoverable to mutual friends. Depending on your level of curiosity, you might explore what turns you on by talking about it online, or in person, with others who are similarly curious. Aren't dating apps enough, though? Why focus your attention on hookup-specific apps? By sticking to hookup sites and apps, you avoid leading women on and wasting each other's time. The best services will protect your personal data while offering you a vast network of singles in a similar position to you: open-minded, unattached, and, well, horny. If you don't have the energy to trawl through the countless options out there that often end up being a waste of time, the good news is we've already done the hard work for you. From the internationally acclaimed FriendFinderX to the x-rated AdultFriendFinder, the names speak for themselves, but the experience they provide is better than you might expect. Read on for a comprehensive, no-BS guide to stress-free hook-ups: FriendFinder-X bills itself as the world's largest sex dating site and swinger personals community, and given that it has millions of users around the world, this is no exaggeration. FriendFinder-X is focused exclusively on sex, so there'll be no time-wasters seeking long-term relationships here, and whether you're looking for casual encounters or secret affairs, you'll find it here. With a live model video chat feature and a user-friendly, simple layout, FriendFinder-X takes the pain out of finding a hookup and is a guaranteed good time. XMatch Another solid option if you're looking for a hookup partner is. Registration is free, and you're required to keep things respectful and discrete -- key values in a casual sex community that you'll no doubt already be on board with. XMatch has plenty of options in terms of the genders, kinks, number of partners, and type of casual sex you're looking for: whether you want threesomes, swinging, BDSM, one-on-one or bisexual experiences, it's all here. With millions of members worldwide and an open-minded method, this hub of casual sex is bound to surface a wealth of potential sex partners near you. AdultFriendFinder If you're looking to indulge a specific kink or turn-on, or treat someone to their own fantasy, is the hook-up site for you. With a focus on attracting the hottest users and a clean, no-frills website design, AdultFriendFinder is a high-calibre option full of sexy singles. Allowing users to broadcast their sexual preferences on their profile, AdultFriendFinder makes it easy to search for and be found by the right people. It even loops in the profiles across all of the Friend Finder social media networks, meaning you've got millions of potential hookups to discover. However, sometimes guys think they want something no-strings but actually want something more serious deep down. Zoosk has been one of the biggest names in online dating for years now, and it's a great option if you prefer more substance to your online dating pursuits. Still looking for more options to help you find no-strings-attached sex? The links are independently placed by our Commerce team and do not influence editorial content. To find out more, please read our complete.
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Select Email Preferences From this screen, you can update the met of your FreeHookupTonight emails as well as other settings. free hookup pages MailOnline contacted the developers for comment, but has as yet received no response. XMatch has plenty of options in terms of the genders, kinks, number of partners, and type of casual sex you're looking for: whether you zip threesomes, swinging, BDSM, one-on-one or bisexual experiences, it's all here. Allowing users to broadcast their sexual preferences on their profile, AdultFriendFinder makes it easy to search for and be found by the right people. Still looking for more options to help you find no-strings-attached sex. Please allow 7-10 solo for all emails to stop - Why was I charged for a free trial. Clicking the button switches its label to 'Awaiting Bang' but will not notify them of your interest. The AnyWho People Search is updated weekly with phone numbers of individuals from across the nation. If that happens, then the app will send a notification email to the address listed on your Facebook account informing you that you have a match. Unless, that is, they are also users of the app and have also clicked the button beneath your face too. To get to the Email Custodes screen: 1. To cancel your free trial you can send an E-mail to dating.
This game is actually the first in a series, which is fortunate for anyone who wants to explore the area beyond the confines of the local clinic. This can be achieved through various ways, such as by attending classes regularly.
Can you help her make the most of them while she changes her look, chooses some awesome new clothes, and more in this romantic online game for girls? Because of this, Eroge companies make a censored all-ages 15+ version of the PC version for various consoles. Screenshot from the original version of illustrating the complex system of statistics standard of the genre.
We have reduced support for legacy browsers. - Totally new handpicked games are added every day!
This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. They are also sometimes put under the category of neoromance. The most common objective of dating sims is to date, usually choosing from among several characters, and to achieve a romantic relationship. This can lead to confusion, as are considered a subgenre of and are not technically included in the dating sim genre. Some original-English dating sims include SimGirls, Ciao Bella, and. Screenshot from the original version of illustrating the complex system of statistics standard of the genre. In a typical dating sim, the player controls a male avatar surrounded by female characters. The game lasts for a fixed period of game time, such as one month or three years. This gives the games more replay value, since the player can focus on a different girl each time, trying to get a different ending. Dating sims such as often revolve almost entirely around relationship-building, usually featuring complex character interactions and branching , and often presenting the player's possible responses word-for-word as the would say them. These games often feature a with a time scheduling system that provides context and relevance to character interactions, allowing players to choose when and if to interact with certain characters, which in turn influences their responses during later conversations. While make up the bulk of dating sims, other types of games exist. Games where the player character is female and potential objects of affection are male are known as GxB or. There are many variations on this theme: high-school romances are the most common, but a dating sim may also take place in a fantasy setting and involve such challenges as defending one's girl from monsters. One game series that often includes dating, with the goal of marriage, is the farming sim series. The subplot of dating is more focused towards choosing one of several girls or guys dependent on the player character's gender and offering them presents or joining them on events in the game. The series of RPGs also feature dating sim elements in a similar manner. Some Japanese dating sims may allow the player to have romantic or sexual relationships with characters in their teens. Sexually explicit dating sims may fall into the category of or. Eroge only gets released to PC because large Japanese game companies do not want to release games with sexual content on their game consoles. Because of this, Eroge companies make a censored all-ages 15+ version of the PC version for various consoles. The censored version contains far more endings and new added scenes due to the absence of sexual scenes.
MORE WOMEN, MORE STORY - The Physio (Dating Simulator)
If you think it's ok to sexually harass someone at a solo, or anywhere else, then you're wrong. I know how demanding one must be. This article needs additional citations for. Each girl in the game has a hentai level, and when she reaches 200 hentai level, she will be a Hentai Goddess. And even if such macabre custodes don't excite you, the absolutely gorgeous gothic art style and beautiful use of color make for an enchanting aesthetic. However, this data is provided without warranty.
And I think this was an inde film. I think the wife was blond?
The small boy dislikes the new stranger which eventually led to the incident where the mother become so mad with the boy and slap him. I mean, it do come down to that if you gonna be in the street. See how it plays. Ilene: And exactly how long has this been your occupation, Mr.
How did a get its name? - Might be italian, almost sure its eurpoean. Bunk: Boy, them Greeks and those twisted-ass names.
It's about how institutions have an effect on individuals, and how... Man On Stoop: Snot. McNulty: You call the guy Snot? Man On Stoop: Snot Boogie. McNulty': He like the name? Man On Stoop: What? You know, he forgets his jacket, so his nose starts running, and some asshole, instead of getting him a Kleenex, he calls him Snot. So he's Snot forever. Man On Stoop: Life just be that way, I guess. McNulty: So, who shot Snot? Man On Stoop: I ain't goin' to no court. Man On Stoop: I mean, he could've whopped his ass like we always whoop his ass. McNulty: I agree with you. Man On Stoop: He goin' kill Snot, Snot been doin' the same shit I don't know how long. Kill a man over some bullshit. I'm sayin', every Friday night in an alley behind the Cut Rate, we rollin' bones, you know? I mean all them boys, we roll til late. McNulty: Alley crap game, right? Man On Stoop: Like every time, Snot, he'd fade a few shooters, play it out til the pot's deep. McNulty: What, every time? Man On Stoop: Couldn't help hisself. McNulty: Let me understand. Every Friday night, you and your boys are shooting craps, right? And every Friday night, your pal Snot Boogie... You let him do that? Man On Stoop: We'd catch him and beat his ass but ain't nobody ever go past that. McNulty: I gotta ask ya: if every time Snot Boogie would grab the money and run away, why'd you even let him in the game? Man On Stoop: What? McNulty: If Snot Boogie always stole the money, why'd you let him play? Man On Stoop: Got to. McNulty: All I did was answer the guy's questions, he's a fucking judge. Don't even think of that shit. Just you, me, my partner and... McNulty: Just you, me, my partner and Mr. Where in fuck is he? Rawls: I fuckin' know where he's detailed. I fuckin' already know that. Wallace: It's good with the hot sauce too, yo. Wallace: Yo, D, you want some nuggets? Wallace: Man, whoever invented these, yo, he off the hook. Motherfucker got the bone all the way out the damn chicken. He said, Later for the bone, nugget that meat up, make some real money. Poot: You think the man got paid? Poot: The man who invented these. Wallace: Shit, he richer than a motherfucker. You think he get a percentage? Poot: Naw, man, that ain't right. Nugget, you the bomb. We sellin' chicken faster than you can tear the bone out. Wallace: Still had the idea though. This the king, and he the man. You get the other dude's king, you got the game. But he trying to get your king too. So your gotta protect it. Now the king move one space in any direction he damn please. Like this, and this, and this. But he ain't got no hustle. So the rest of these motherfuckers on the team, they got his back. And they run so deep, he ain't gotta do shit. D'Angelo: Yeah, like my uncle. This the queen; she smart, she fierce. She move anyway she want as far as she want. And she is the go-get-shit-done piece. D'Angelo: And this over here is the castle, like the stash. It move like this, or like this. D'Angelo: Come on, yo, think, how many times we move the stash house this week. And every time we move the stash, we gotta move a little muscle with it. A'ight, what about them little bald-headed bitches? D'Angelo: These right here, these are the pawns. They're like the soldiers. They in the front lines, they be out in the field. Wallace: So how do you get to be the king? D'Angelo: It ain't like that. See the king stay the king, alight? Everything stay who he is, 'cept for the pawns. The pawns, they get all the way to the other dude's side, you get to be queen. And like I said, the queen ain't no bitch. She got all the moves. Bodie: A'ight, so, I make it to the other end, I win? D'Angelo: If you catch the other dude's king and trap it, then you win. Bodie: But I make it to the end, I'm top dog? D'Angelo: Naw, it ain't like that. Look, pawns man, in the game, they get capped quick. They be out the game early. Bodie: Unless they some smart-ass pawns. I figured they ain't gonna go down there anyway right? McNulty: What the fuck did I do? McNulty: I'm not sick. Daniels: Yeah, you are. Write me up a 95 on why you are physically unable to participate in today's activities. McNulty: You want me to lie so you can save face? You're married and a date is a room at the Best Western with the blinds closed. Now you're single, and a date is you coming over unannounced to learn the legal requisites for a pager intercept. The Narcos don't know, but he do, 'cause some nigga snitchin'! I'm just too bad for that off-brand, lil' boy bullshit, man. It can't hold me. No, they're gonna buck a little, but they ain't gonna walk. And in the end, you gonna get respect. Then again, what does it say about us if we can't break it? Whatever he wants to hear. Kima: You can ID this man Bird as the shooter of William Gant? And you ain't afraid to go into court downtown and testify against one of Barksdale's people? Omar: Omar don't scare. All the pieces matter. Rawls: In that case... Daniels: The murder warrant's on hold. The deputy gave us another month. Also, whoever that was you brought in here today gave himself up as an eyewitness in the Gant murder. Daniels: And Greggs said to tell you she'd write it up in the morning. McNulty: Lieutenant - thanks. McNulty: It's not 'cause you're good police, 'cause, y'know, fuck that, right? McNulty: It's not 'cause when I came to homicide, you taught me all kinds of cool shit about. McNulty: It's 'cause when it came time for you to fuck me. Bunk: You damn right. McNulty: See, 'cause you could have hauled me out of the garage and just bent me over the hood of a radio car, and. Bunk: I knew it was your first time. I wanted to make that shit special. McNulty: It was, man. I love this fucking job, and they're gonna do me. Omar: Bird triflin', basically. Kill an everyday workin' man and all. I mean, I do some dirt, too, but I ain't never put my gun on nobody that wasn't in the game. Bunk: A man must have a code. Omar: Oh, no doubt. In this state, there's a thin line between campaign posters and photo arrays. You workin' a ground stash. Two fiends come up at you and ask for two each, another one cops three. Then Bodie hands you off ten more. But some white guy rolls up in a car, waves you down and pays for eight. How many vials you got left? Wallace's Little Brother: Fifteen? Wallace: How the fuck you able to keep the count right and you not be able to do the book problem then? Wallace's Little Brother: Count be wrong they fuck you up. You come at the king, you best not miss. Omar: Look man, I do what I can do to help y'all. But the game is out there, and it's either play or get played. McNulty: OK, I was just checking. But you start to follow the money, and you don't know where the fuck it's gonna take you. I'm proud to be chasing this guy. Y'all need to open this door, man, before I huff and puff. C'mon, now, by the hairs of your chinny-chin-chin. Terrell: Omar, you best roll out. We up in here with a Mac-10. Omar: I thinks not, Terrell. Y'all might need to think this through and stop wasting my time. And the next day. And the next day. And I will put a bullet in all y'all behind what happen right now, you heard? How come you wearin' that suit, B? For real its 85 fuckin' degrees out here and you try'na be like fuckin' Pat Riley : Look the part, be the part, motherfucker. Avon: Yo ref, yo ref, yo ref... The boy was fouled, clear, straight up... Referee: Look, if you want I can put time back on the clock and replay it... Avon: Are you talking about a do-over, baby? Are you talking about a fucking do-over? That's not how the game is played. You can't do that! Fuck, can you believe this shit? This nigga talkin' about doin' it again! Referee: Look, I don't want any trouble, okay... Proposition Joe: Ain't going to be no trouble over no ball... Avon: Man, you supposed to be the ref, right? Why don't you stand up for your fuckin' self, you pussy! You can't just let any ol' motherfucking nigga get in your face... Turn around and walk the fuck away... Proposition Joe: We cool? Avon: Yeah, we cool baby, you tell your people to come up here to the park Saturday at noon. Of course, you come on the West Side again, without a ball, I'm a light your ass up. Charge by the hour to tell some fool he need to bring some flowers home. Then charge another hour telling the bitch she oughta suck some cock every little once in a while. You know, keep a marriage strong like that. You ever steal from me, I'll kill your whole family. Walon: Look, forgiveness from other folks is good, but ain't nothin' but words comin' at you from outside. You want to kick this shit, you got to forgive your own self. Love yourself some, brother. And then drag your sorry ass to some meetings. Walon: What the fuck do you wanna hear? That you're strong enough to do this by yourself? Gettin' clean's the easy part. And then comes life. Judge Phelan: McNulty, I hold you in contempt. Troy Wiggins: Shakima she's just talking like that 'cause I had her when she was good. You did a lot of shit here. You played a lot of fucking cards. And you made a lot of fucking people do a lot of fucking things they didn't want to do. We both know this is true. You, McNulty, are a gaping asshole. We both know this. Fuck if everybody in CID doesn't know it. But fuck if I'm gonna stand here and say you did a single fucking thing to get a police shot. You did not do this, you fucking hear me? This is not on you. Believe it or not, everything isn't about you. And the motherfucker saying this, he hates your guts, McNulty. So you know if it was on you, I'd be the son of a bitch to say so. She took two for the company. That's the only lesson here. If half of you had the fucking balls to follow through, you know what would happen? A guy like that would be indicted, tried and convicted. And the rest of 'em would back up enough, so we could push a clean case or two through your courthouse. But no, everybody stays friends. And everybody's got a fucking future. I need you to feed 'em while I'm gone. You gonna give 'em different food for each tank, too, alright? But don't worry, I'm gonna show ya what to do, c'mere. These are my tetras. You got Kimmy, Alex, Aubrey and Jezebel in here somewhere. I don't know, she think she cute. You take two pinches of whatever food I got next to each tank. They set for the day. You see, they ain't no problems. Just beautiful as hell, Dee. I'm gonna go upstairs, and pack some shit. You play it hard, you play it tight, and you make sure niggas know you gonn' stand by your people. No loose talk, no second thoughts and no snitching. Play it like that. If the senator isn't involved in anything illegal, then he doesn't need to worry. I can't be any clearer than that. Clay Davis: Fool, what do you think? That we know anything about who gives money? That we give a damn about who they are or what they want? We have no way of running down them or their stories. We just cash the damn checks, count the votes and move on. That's the game, yo. Where's the boy, String? That's all I wanna know. Levy: Kid, you better think... Where the fuck is Wallace? Where the fuck is Wallace? I don't want this Payless-wearing motherfucker representing me. I'ma get my own man. So just get back in your car and get the fuck back down south. Stringer: A'ight, you stupid motherfucker, you made your decision. D'Angelo: Yeah, I made my decision. Where the fuck is Wallace? Where the fuck is Wallace? Burrell: You came into a lot of money quick. You can go to jail just as quick if I start asking the right questions. This case ends, or you are done. Hell, I don't even need you to lock up Barksdale. I can have your major debrief the detectives and type the warrants himself. This case is done. Daniels: You do what you feel. You wanna pull Avon in on half a case, you go ahead. You wanna put my shit in the street, feel free. But the Eastern had a lot of stories - mine ain't the only one. A lot of people came through that district. If you were gonna do me, I'd already be done. But there ain't nothin' you fear more than a bad headline, is there? You'd rather live in shit than let the world see you work a shovel. You can order warrants, and I'll serve 'em. But as long as I have days left on those dead wires, this case goes on. Carver:They fuck up, they get beat. We fuck up, they give us pensions. You just live with this shit, until you can't breathe no more. I swear to God, I was courtside for eight months, and I was freer in jail than I was at home. D'Angelo: I want it to go away. D'Angelo: I want what Wallace wanted. I want to start over. That's what I want. I don't care where. I don't give a fuck. I just want to go somewhere, where I can breathe like regular folk. You give me that... And I'll give you them. And some of them are gonna be good police. Some of them are gonna be young and stupid. A few are gonna be pieces of shit. But all of them will take their cue from you. You show loyalty, they learn loyalty. You show them it's about the work, it'll be about the work. You show them some other kinda game, then that's the game they'll play. I came on in the Eastern, and there was a piece-of-shit lieutenant hoping to be a captain, piece-of-shit sergeants hoping to be lieutenants. Pretty soon we had piece-of-shit patrolmen trying to figure the job for themselves. And some of what happens then is hard as hell to live down. Comes a day you're gonna have to decide whether it's about you or about the work. And the number of clearances I'm looking at here? I mean, Christ, for the first time this year, we got the clearance rate up over 40%. That's on the one hand. On the other hand, I know the Deputy Ops got a call from the First Deputy U. Attorney this morning asking whether an asshole such as yourself really works for us. And, of course, this is the first the deputy hears his troops are creeping behind his back, trying to take a case federal when they've already been told the case is closed. You're a good detective. And I've got to admit you got some stones on you. Did you actually call the first deputy an empty suit? So, tell me, where don't you wanna go? Your floater's come back. County boards are puttin' her on our side of the bridge. Rawls: Yeah, some useless fuck in our marine unit faxed 'em a report on the early morning tides and wind currents. Shows the body went into the water west of the bridge and drifted out. Fuckin' with us for the fun of it. I gotta give the son of a bitch some credit for wit on this one. I fucking love 'em. Herc: Dumb as a box of rocks. Talking about the brain-deads in my Kane Street case. I call him up, I tell him I wanna buy some drugs. You know what he says? How much drugs do you want? And then when you make the deal, there's no runner, no bullshit. Did you bring the money? I have much respect for black people after working with these idiots for two weeks. Herc: Seriously, white boys wanna sell drugs in Baltimore, they'll have to make different laws for it. Like even it out for them. Take a few doors for ol' time sake. Two houses an' a bar on Kane Street. C'mon Kima, mount up wit' us. I know you miss it. Kima: I'm done rollin' around the gutter. I am inside now. Herc: Oh, you're a house cat now, huh? Kima: I made a promise. Herc: I gotta say Kima, if you were a guy, and actually in some ways you're better than most of the guys I know. But if you were a guy, friends would buy you a beer and let you know. Kima: Let me know what? Herc: You're fuckin' whipped. Herc: Pussy whipped within an inch of your life. I kid you not. Union Member: We just sat here and watched Nat Coxson take a shit all over you. Horseface: And the shrivelled dick motherfucker that you are, you take it. I was gonna enlighten the President of the local 47 on this particular point, and he chose to depart. Three and a half inches of hard blue steel. Shamrock: We done gone so far from Baltimore, we're losing the station. Yo', try a Philly station or some shit like that. You gotta be fucking with me, right? You ain't never heard a station outside of Baltimore? Bodie: Yo' man, I ain't never left Baltimore except that Boys Village shit one day, and I wasn't tryin' to hear no radio up in that bitch. Landsman: It's all about self-preservation, Jimmy. Something you never learned. In a couple of months... Can't catch crabs in homicide, right? Before you wanted to know nothing. Drugs, whore, vodka, BMWs. Beluga caviar, or bombs, maybe? Bad terrorists with big nuclear bombs. I'm kidding you, Frank, it's a joke. But you don't ask... Bunk: Jimmy, the look on Jay Landsman's face, he nearly cried! I swear to God the man stayed in his office all day! All afternoon, he just stays in his office with the door closed. McNulty: Careful, you're giving me an erection! McNulty: Fuck it, they chew you up, they gotta spit you back out. White Mike: And are you beat to shit? White Mike: Take a walk, my friend. Country: Yo, uh, String, why are you so down on the phone companies, man? Now, he got the cell phone I gave him for the business, right there on his hip. But, the nigga got another cell phone that only rang when the pussy called. Now, if this no-count nigga got two cell phones, how the fuck you gonna sell any more of them motherfuckers? But the fact remains we work plain clothes in Homicide. Not to say that the clothes need be plain. For you, l would suggest some pantsuits muted in colour. Something to offset Detective Moreland's pinstriped, lawyerly affectations and the brash, tweedy impertinence of Detective Freamon. I don't bed no babies. Dante: What you think? Positives for oral, vaginal, anal. No IDs, no passports, no visas, no real money - and the girls are coming across the water like that. Lester: McNulty has a theory... Bunk: Does he now? Lester: You deductive motherfucker, you. Bunk: So he's gonna wander in here with some johnny-come-lately bullshit about how all these girls must be coming over here as prostitutes. Talking about how if they ain't got the cash to travel better than a container ship, then they sure as shit don't got the money to pay a plastic surgeon. Lester: Then he's gonna go past that. And say something about that one found dead in the water - being tossed off the ship after she's already dead from a beat-down? Bunk: But why did she get beat? He's gonna ask us that like we don't know. Lester: Then he's gonna answer his own question, and say her swabs are negative, right? Fuck or fight with all them sailor boys - and she fought. Bunk: So, it got a little rough, she got banged around, she comes up dead. And then, somebody panics and tosses her in the harbour overnight before the ship ties up. Bunk: So now the other girls, they get told to get back in that can. And our man, to cover this shit up, he gets up on top and bangs down the airpipe. Rawls: Two fuckin' Polacks pissin' on each other's leg. Prison Warden: Hell, if you can't win the war on drugs in a prison, where the hell you gonna win it? Stringer: Be subtle with it, man. You know what subtle means? Shamrock: Laid back and shit. Daniels: Where are the detectives who were first assigned? I shipped them humps back to Burrell as fast as I could. He put that goddamn shotgun in my face, man. I damn near piss my pants. You people lack for personal growth, you know that? Charlie: I almost got one to swear that the docks are actually near the water. What do you say to any question? Johnny Fifty: I take the Fifth Commandment. Where we come from, what we go through, how we go through it; all this shit matters. Like at the end of the book, ya' know, boats and tides and all. It's like you can change up, right, you can say you're somebody new, you can give yourself a whole new story. But, what came first is who you really are and what happened before is what really happened. It don't matter that some fool say he different 'cause the things that make you different is what you really do, what you really go through. Like, ya' know, all those books in his library. He frontin' with all them books, but if you pull one down off the shelf, none of the pages have ever been opened. He got all them books, and he hasn't read nearly one of them. Gatsby, he was who he was, and he did what he did. And 'cause he wasn't willing to get real with the story, that shit caught up to him. Ilene: What exactly do you do for a living, Mr. Omar: I rip and run. Omar: I robs drug dealers. Ilene: And exactly how long has this been your occupation, Mr. Omar: Well, I don't know exactly. I venture to say maybe 'bout eight or nine years. Little, how does a man rob drug dealers for eight or nine years and live to tell about it? Omar: Day at a time, I suppose. You are feeding off the violence and the despair of the drug trade. You're stealing from those who themselves are stealing the lifeblood from our city. You are a parasite who leeches off-- Omar: Just like you, man. Levy: --the culture of drugs... Omar: I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game, though, right? Levy: Then what was it, Mr. Omar: I shot the boy Mike-Mike in his hind parts, that all. Levy: A disagreement over? And if I were you, I wouldn't let a word of this mess end up in Avon's ear. Guy: Baltimore niggas off the hook, I swear. Jimmy McNulty, when he ain't policing he's a picture postcard of a drunken, self-destructive fuck-up. And when he is policing... But on a good case, he runnin' in front of the pack. That's as close as the man comes to bein' right. And don't give me that he's-got-that-fire-in-the-belly garbage, either. The answer is no. Bunk: Well, would we be police if we could? You like fake tits? Thus far, I'm undecided on fake tits. Bunk: What, a brother can't run with a stick? Bunk: Lester, um, I'm, I'm just saying... Daniels: I thought you were born in pinstripes! You gotta be fierce, I know that, but more than that, you gotta show some flex, give and take on both sides. Shit, That nigga got more bodies on him than a Chinese cemetery. Fuckin' rat-fucker's, all of ya'. This is my case, mine! And now you're gonna tell me who the target is? Well not fuckin' likely. Lamar: You didn't say that one. You said , and , and a new somethin' else. Brother Mouzone: I did not forget to tell you Harper's. Every week I tell you the same shit, and every week you forget half of what I say. Tomorrow first thing, you go down to the newsstand, and you get Harper's. And too, which you also managed to forget. You know what the most dangerous thing in America is, right? Nigga with a library card. I want'chu to extend to these motherfucker's all the hospitality west Baltimore is famous for. Bodie: Yeah dog, and you better get used it, 'cause ya'll ain't sellin shit, until we bone-ass dry! So you need to think for just a moment and ask yourself: what do I have to do before this man raise up his gun again? You help yourself, and your union. For 25 years we've been dyin' slow down there. Dry dock's rustin', piers standin' empty. My friends and their kids like we got the cancer. No life-line got thrown all that time, nothin' from nobody, and now you wanna help us? You should have had a son. Spiros: But then I would have had a wife. Bunk: Now, how would a just-rolled-out-of-bed-looking motherfucker like you, know the designer? Bunk: It's a Joseph Abboud. He puts dark buttons instead of brass on his blazers. That's the Abboud signature. McNulty: You know what they call a guy who pays that much attention to his clothes, don't you? Bunk: Mm-hmm, a grown-up. We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket. Bunk: Boy, them Greeks and those twisted-ass names. McNulty: Man, back off the Greeks. Everyone who saw the punch wrote on it. And they've all got Prez throwing the punch, no question. They've also got you addressing a subordinate officer as uh, what was it? This is the Baltimore Police Department, not the Roland Park Ladies Tea. La La: If you ain't a senior. Clerk: Business or pleasure for you? Chair ain't recognized your ass. Charles, we're going to handle this shit like businessmen, sell the shit, make the profit and later for that gangsta bullshit. Stringer: Motherfucker, I will punk your ass for sayin such shit! Shamrock: Yo, String, Poot did have the floor, man. Stringer: Shut the fuck up, this nigga too ignorant to have the fuckin' floor! He's a complicated man, and the only one that understands him is his woman. Herc: I want more than one. Carver: You got 'em. All they live for is to get you off. But so now who are you gonna do for 'em? One guy, one act, one time. Huh, that's your fantasy? You fucking closet case motherfucker. Carver: Both Olson twins. And yeah, I admire her body of work. All you gotta do is name a guy. Herc: I'm not catching, I'm pitching. Valchek: And I should tell him, what? Make nice or invest heavily in petroleum jelly? Carcetti: Hey, his ass, his choice. The city council had just passed a law that forbade alcoholic consumption in public areas; on the streets and on the corners. But the corner is, it was and it always will be the poorman's lounge. It's where a man wants to be on a hot summer's night. It's cheaper than a bar. Catch a nice breeze and watch the girls go on by. But the law is the law so what are the western cops gonna do? They arrest every dude for tipping back a High Life, there'd be no time for any other kind of police work. And if they look the other way, they open themselves up to all kinds of flaunting, all kinds of disrespect. Now, this is before my time but somewhere back in the 50's or the 60's, there was a moment of goddamn genius by some nameless smokehound who comes out the Cut-Rate one day and on his way to the corner he slips that just bought pint of elderberry into a paper bag. A great moment of civic compromise. That small wrinkled ass paper bag allowed the corner boys to have their drink in peace and gave us permission to go and do police work. The kind of police work that's actually worth the effort, that's actually worth taking a bullet for. Dozerman got shot last night buying three vials. There's never been a paper bag for drugs. It's Baltimore, gentlemen; the Gods will not save you. That's like a forty degree day. Ain't nobody got nuttin' to say about a forty degree day. Bring a smile to your face. Shit, niggas are damn near barbecuing that mothafucka. Go down to twenty? Niggas get they bitch on. Get they blood complainin... Nobody give a FUCK about forty. Nobody remember forty, and ya'll niggas is giving me way too many forty degree days. And they know you're police when they move in. And they know you're police when they decide to start a family with you. And all that shit is just fine until one day it ain't no more. One day, it's 'You should have a regular job. You need to stop fucking waitresses. Now, I would like it very much if I could unclench my ample ass cheeks, if you don't mind, and rid myself of that discomfort. And that's just the ones with Westside addresses. Vernon: Man, you got to narrow that shit down. Bubbles: That's less than minimum wage. Motherfucker, what is that? Shamrock: Robert Rules say we got to have minutes for the meeting, right? Stringer: Nigga, is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy? Colvin: I swear to God, I have over 200 sworn personnel and I will free them all up to brutalize every one of you they can. If you're on a corner in my district, it will not be just a humble or a loitering charge. It will be some Biblical shit that happens to you on the way into that jail wagon. We will not be playing by any rules that you recognize. You know, I'm just a gangster, I suppose. And I want my corners. Officer Santangelo: Nuh-uh, West Baltimore. I just came from Tosha's people, remember? All this death, you don't think it ripples out? You don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. I was a few years ahead of you at Edmondson, but I know you remember the neighborhood, how it was. We had some bad boys, for real. Wasn't about guns so much as knowing what to do with your hands. Those boys could really rack. My father had me on the straight, but like any young man, I wanted to be hard too, so I'd turn up at all the house parties where the tough boys hung. Shit, they knew I wasn't one of them. As rough as that neighborhood could be, we had us a community. Nobody, no victim, who didn't matter. And now all we got is bodies, and predatory motherfuckers like you. And out where that girl fell, I saw kids acting like Omar, calling you by name, glorifying your ass. Makes me sick, motherfucker, how far we done fell. You mess with the environment, some species get fucked out of their habitat. You're done in this unit. Why not go to me first? I was looking for someone who cared about the kid. I bleed red and you bleed green. I look at you these days, String, you know what I see? I see a man without a country. Not hard enough for this right here and maybe, just maybe, not smart enough for them out there. Runner: Yo, I just rolled for peanut butter. You got anything else? Colicchio: The fuck I look like,? Crime is down and no one wants to take any credit. What is wrong with this picture? How exactly do you think it all ends? He was right all along. Should've listened to the man. It won't make you whole, it won't fill your ass up. McNulty: I dunno, a good case— Lester: Ends. The handcuffs go click and it's over. The next morning, it's just you in your room with yourself. McNulty: Until the next case. Lester: Boooooy, you need something else outside of this here. McNulty: Like what, dollhouse miniatures? Lester: Hey, hey, hey, a life. You know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come. I mean, you can do some shit and be like what the fuck, but hey, never on no Sunday. McNulty: We're good at this Lester. In this town, we're as good as it gets. McNulty: You know something, Lester? I do believe there aren't five swinging dicks in the entire department who can do what we do. It's back to the corners for all of us and fuck y'all any way we can. It was good while it lasted. For y'all it was cash on the barrel and no one needs no bail money. For me, I had clean corners damn near everywhere I looked. But that's all gone tomorrow unless y'all bring me my shooter. That I had something to do with it? That I could do that to my own kin? Is that what you think? The fuck is in your head Brie? I ain't do nothing to Dee. I ain't have shit to do with it. Brianna: To do with what? I mean, I can send any fool with a badge and a gun to a corner to jack a crew and grab vials. I mean you call something a war, and pretty soon everyone is going to be running around acting like warriors. They gonna be running around on a damn crusade, storming corners, racking up body counts. And when you at war, you need a fucking enemy. And pretty soon, damn near everybody on every corner is your fucking enemy. And soon, the neighborhood you're supposed to be policing, that's just occupied territory. Colvin: Okay The point I'm making is this: Soldiering and policing, they ain't the same thing. And before we went and took the wrong turn and start up with these war games, the cop walked a beat, and he learned that post. And if there were things that happened on that post, where there be a rape, a robbery, or a shooting, he had people out there helping him, feeding him information. But every time I came to you, my DEU sergeant, for information, to find out what's going on out on them streets... You had your stats, your arrests, your seizures, but don't none of that amount to shit when it comes to protecting the neighborhood, now do it? Call it a crisis of leadership. Fatface Rick: Oh, fuck the meet! You're harder to get at than my fat wife's cunt, nigga. Stringer: You know, Avon, you gotta think about what we got in this game for, man. Was it the rep? Was it so our names could ring out on some fucking ghetto streetcorner, man? There's games beyond the fucking game. Rawls: Bunny, you cocksucker, I got to give it to you, a brilliant idea. Insane and illegal, but stone fuckin' brilliant nonetheless. After all my puttin' my foot up people's asses to get the numbers down, he comes along and in one stroke, gets a 14 fuckin' percent decrease. Fuckin' shame it's gonna end our careers, but still. McNulty: Nah, it's not just that. It's like, I went to meet her once; she was in a hotel room on the top floor. I punched the button on the elevator and it doesn't even go there. You gotta have some kind of special key to even get to that special fucking floor. So I go to the front desk, some sneering fuck calls upstairs, gives me permission to go and get laid. I listen to the shit she talks about and it's the first time in my life I feel like a fucking doormat. Like anyone else with any smarts would do something else with his life, you know? Like I'm just a breathing machine for my fucking dick. I'm serious; I'm the smartest asshole in three districts and she looks at me like I'm some stupid fuck playing some stupid game for stupid penny-ante stakes. She fucking looks through me, Kima. If and when it rains, he takes the credit. If and when it doesn't, he comes up with reasons for you to pay more. Clay Davis rainmade you...... It's an old game in this town, and Clay Davis? That goniff was born with his hand in someone's pocket. With that alone, you've still got an open line to New York. Without it, you're done. I ain't involved, yo. I ain't involved in none of that gangster bullshit. Cause if it is, I can be a better friend to y'all alive. This ain't about your money, bro. Your boy gave you up. And we ain't had to torture his ass neither! I can't say nuttin' to change y'all minds. Fact is, we went to war and now there ain't no goin' back. I mean, shit, it's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight. Witness: I saw only the one of them. He was black, big I thought. With a large weapon. He doesn't fuckin' know it. And that's where I moved my crew. And you know I did! Because you the one that popped me with a G-pack on my way to the spot and let me go, remember? You can prove that? Man, this-this must be one of them contrapment things! Bunk: All night you been drinkin' like your ass is candy. Bodie: And a VERY good evening to you, Officer Collichio! Colicchio: Fuck yourself with a 40, shit-breath. You might want to consider the powder-actuated tool. The Hilti DX460MX or the Simpson PTP. These two are my Cadillacs. Everything else on this board is second best, sorry to say. Are you contracting or just doing some work around the house? Snoop: Nah, we work all over. Snoop: Nah, we had about five jobs last month. Salesman: At that rate, the cost of the powder actuated gun justifies itself. The DX460 is fully automatic, with a 27 caliber charge. And for my money, she handles recoil better than the Simpson or the P3500. You understand what I mean by recoil? Snoop: 27 caliber, huh? Salesman: Not large ballistically, but for driving nails, its enough. Snoop: Aw shit, I seen a tiny ass. Motherfuckers get up in ya like a pinball, rip your ass up. How much do I owe you? Salesman: Six-sixty-nine, plus tax. Snoop: No man you handle that for me, and keep the rest for your time. Snoop: So what man? You earned that bump like a motherfucker, man. Man say if you wanna shoot nails, this here the Cadillac, man. Chris: Hold a charge better? Fuck this nailin' up boards, we could kill a couple mother fuckers with this right here. Yo ass stay suspended. If it wasn't for social promotion, yo ass would still be in Pre-k nigga... Prolly day care out this bitch. Where am I going again? Norman: One of those neighborhoods between Oliver and Middle East. But a city police? Hell no, can't be happenin', because I have raised too much goddamn money for the mayor and his ticket. Ain't no soul in the world that fuckin' ungrateful! They gonna come talk to me about money-launderin'?! Where do you think I'm going to raise cash for the whole ticket? From laundromats and shit? From some tiny-ass Korean groceries? You think I have time to ask a man why he giving me money? Or where he gets his money from? I'll take any motherfucker's money if he givin' it away! Everybody all friendly an' shit. Omar: It ain't what you takin', it's who you takin' it from. Tell all my friends what a good job I got. I'm workin' to support a family, man. Pretend I ain't talking to you. Pretend like I ain't even on this Earth. I know what you are, and I ain't steppin' to, but I am a man, and you just clip that shit and act like you don't even know I'm there. Security Guard: I'm here. I ain't disrespectin' you, son. Marlo: You want it to be one way. Marlo: You want it to be one way. Security Guard: Man, I don't... Marlo: You want it to be one way. Security Guard: Man, STOP! Marlo: But it's the other way. Solemn left and sanctified right. The Deacon: A good church man is always up in everybody's shit. It's how we do. Marlo: That's my money. Omar: Man, money ain't got no owners. We see one we like, we take care of his situation. Take him in, school him, make him family. And if you with us, you with us. Just like we be with you, All the way. If you go grabbing every one you see, we'll be here all day. Norman: A vote's a vote, and I never throw one back. Carcetti: That's a minority opinion. Norris: You know what we use the polygraph for? To get them in here and fuck with them. If I'd known I'd be sharing quarters with all these boys - I'd probably wouldn't have robbed so many of them. Bunk: Aww, yeah, that golden rule. Omar: A man gotta have a code. Here we lay a couple New York boys who came too far south for their own fuckin' good. Where ya fuckin' Yankee pride at now, fuckin' bitches? Let's get the fuck outta here. I'd like to kick his pale entitled ass. Kinda like pigeons in the storm. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes they come back, sometimes... I--I've got a problem I can't bring to no one else. To Andre You know the problem with these here machines? They too cheap to begin with. Some people think for what it's worth to fix it, make the shit work right, you might as well dump 'em and get another. Mayor, about Ervin — if you don't mind me asking — why keep him as a puppet commissioner when you can just fire the guy? Omar: Man gotta live what he know, right? They know exactly what it is they're training for and what it is everyone expects them to be. It's not about you or us or the test or the system. It's what they expect of themselves. Every single one of them know they're headed back to the corners. Their brothers and sisters, shit, their parents. They came through these same classrooms. We pretended to teach them, they pretended to learn and where'd they end up? They're not fools, these kids. They don't know our world but they know their own. They see right through us. Namond: Yeah, but why? Colvin: You don't need to know. And if you tell anybody, I'll cut your balls off. He invoked your name with a measure of respect. Colvin: It wasn't but a few weeks ago when I was in a room with him being called everything but a child of God. Bodie: Thought you said it was getting warmer. Poot: The world goin' one way, people another yo'. In fact, you can pick your supervisor, for all I care. Motherfucker, as far as I'm concerned, you are the Major Crimes Unit. It's morning in Baltimore, Lester. Wake up and smell the coffee. And maybe Marlo to the other holding a shovel. And just at this moment... I managed to crawl out my own damn grave. No way do I crawl back in. I mean, he had this one ho' pulling guns out her pussy, unc! The shit was unseemly, man. Especially moldering fucking John Does! Let him learn something. I'm gonna talk to Social Services. We'll get you some help. You gonna look out for me? You gonna look out for me, Sergeant Carver? You gonna look out for me? You got my back, huh?! Ed Norris: All that from Freamon. He's out early today rooting through empties. Landsman: You know what he is? He is a vandal. He is vandalizing the board. He is vandalizing this unit. He is a Hun, a Visigoth, a barbarian at the gate clamoring for noble Roman blood and what's left of our clearance rate. Nigga kills motherfuckers just cause he can. Man, Little Kevin is gone! And all them motherfuckers in the row houses… nobody means a fucking thing to him! Fuck Marlo man, fuck him! Bodie: I ain't no snitch. Bodie: I been doin' this a long time. I ain't never said nothin' to no cop. I been out there since I was 13. I ain't never fucked up a count, never stole off a package, never did some shit that I wasn't told to do. I've been straight up. But what come back? We got to his pay lawyer. We got a bail. Where the fuck they at when they supposed to be standing by us? I mean, when shit goes bad and there's hell to pay, where they at? This game is rigged, man... Bodie: Yo, I'm not snitchin' on none of my boys. Not my corner, and not no Barksdale people. Well, what's left of 'em. But, Marlo, this nigga and his kind, man, they gotta fall. McNulty: Well, for that to happen, somebody's gotta step up. Bodie: I'll do what I gotta. I don't give a fuck! Just don't ask me to live on my fuckin' knees, you know? McNulty: You're a soldier, Bodie. Dr David Parenti: We get the grant, we study the problem, we propose solutions. If they listen, they listen. If they don't, it still makes for great research. What we publish on this is gonna get a lot of attention. Dr David Parenti: From other researchers, academics. What, they gonn' study your study? Walon: Shame is some tricky shit, ain't it? Makes you feel like you want to change, and then beats you back down when you think you can't. It don't matter who he is, or what he's done, you can look him right in the eye. Bunk: The bigger the lie, the more they believe. Snoop: God damn, right? Too much fuckin' talkin' around here lately, man. Niggas need to shut the fuck up, for real. Chris: Y'all gonna pop out and pop off. Drop who you can. O-Dog: Yo, let's go all west coast with this. That's how they do. Drop a motherfucker and not slow down. Shit was tight, remember? Snoop: Fuck them west coast niggas. You know what they do to police in jail? Pretty police like yourself? Motherfucker, we have kids. Furniture--Jimmy, I just bought brand new lawn chairs and a glass patio table. Now you don't buy no shit like that if you planning to lose your job and go to prison. You won't even get past the ME. Bunk: You're dumpin' murders on us that we can't solve, you're fucking the squad's clearance rate. McNulty: Fuck the fucking numbers already! The fucking numbers destroyed this fucking department. Landsman and his clearance rate can suck a hairy asshole. Bunk: Marlo ain't worth it, man. McNulty: Marlo's an asshole. He does not get to win. WE get to win! He's only been colonel for a year. You float it with one of your bunkies on Calvert Street. See how it plays. Norman: Burrell reads that, he'll shit melons. Carcetti: I fucking hope so. It's Baltimore; no one lives forever. Butchie: Ain't no other way. I can see that. He weren't the one that put me in this trick bag. The motherfucker who snuggled up and whispered in Marlo's ear did that. These are volatile times. It is not unreasonable to carry insurance. Who can say what tomorrow will show us? You will eat their shit. Daniels, too, when he gets here. Proposition Joe: Proposition, then--I just step out the way. You never hear from me again. Marlo: Joe, you'd be up into mischief in no time. Truth is, you wouldn't be able to change up any more than me. Donnie: They needed to send a message. Big Guy: They said 'Tell Omar he put his hand in the wrong pocket'. Donnie: And you need to know, Marlo's dogs didn't let Butchie go easy. Omar: Oh, I'm gon' work them. Sweet Jesus, I'm gon' work them. Donnie: I want in. Omar: Nah this one on me, yo'. Donnie: But you don't know them people. What you learn to appreciate is a dependable man... One day same as the next... To call for lunch, you can talk. To call your girl, you can talk. To call your lawyer even, you can talk--the law says that is between you and the lawyer. To find out what movie is playing down the street, you can talk. All of that is good because all of that tells them... I mean, it do come down to that if you gonna be in the street. But that ain't the only way to be. Round here it is. World is bigger than that, at least, that's what they tell me. Cutty: I wish I knew. Gus: Not at home, I imagine. Half-lit every third night, dead drunk every second. Nut deep in random pussy. What little time you are sober and limp-dicked, you're working murders that don't even exist! Shit, this ain't about the bug, is it? This is you trying to make the past be everything, mean everything. You don't even want to think about the here and now. Shame ain't worth as much as you think. McNulty: Explain it to me again, because I tell ya, I think I'm a smart guy, but this shit makes my head hurt. Freeman: They think they're up on your killer's cellphone, but they'll never catch a call because this goes nowhere. And meanwhile, using the same court authorization, I'm up on the live wire down at the detail office, listening to Marlo. Every day, you file office and court reports saying there's been no further contact with the serial killer. I file exactly nothing, but use what I hear to rig the case on our real target. I don't fuck with no make-believe. I don't jerk shit around. I catch a murder, and I work it. I regarded that decision as illegitimate. I'm responding in kind. I'm going to press a case against Marlo Stanfield without regard to the usual rules. I'm running an illegal wiretap on Marlo Stanfield's cellphone. Freamon: If you have a problem with this, I understand completely, and I urge you to get as far fucking away from me as you can. It's about me hurtin' his people and messin' with his world. Tell that boy he ain't man enough to come down to the street with Omar. You tell him that! Bunk: You called the reporter huh? That asshole's making up his own shit. Brass called a press conference for this afternoon. They'll be shovellin' so much money at my bullshit it'll make your head spin. Marlo: That's some Spiderman shit there. We missed our shot. Now he goin' be at us. Phelan: Gets himself elected on law and order ticket, crime doesn't go down much, and then uh, couple o' weeks before he starts gearing up for Governor, some wing-nut starts killin' people, takin' photographs, sendin' 'em to the newspaper. You know something, you might wanna check up on the governor's alibi's. It's just a lie. Not because they don't like you. But because, they never knew your last name. And all the people on the job, all those people you spent all the hours in the radio cars with, the guys with their feet up on the desk, tellin' stories, who shorted you on your food runs, who signed your overtime slips. In the end, they're not gonna be there either. Family, and if you're lucky, one or two friends who are the same as family. That's all the best of us get. Everything else is just... McNulty: You miss what you had though? I'm out here in these streets every day, me and my lonesome, and where he at? A'yo, ya'll put it in his ear, Marlo Stanfield is not a man for this town, ya' digg? Good news is that our Mayor finally needs a police department more than he needs a school system. But there you sit, like a genital wart. There wasn't anything I could have done with your experiment in the Western District, there wasn't anything that anyone could have done with that. Mayor, there's nothing to be done. What I do wrong? And you downtown wit' the police. Michael: I ain't say a word. Snoop: Yeah, that's what you say. But it's how you carry yourself. When you should be doin' what you're told. You was never one of us. Michael: You look good girl. Marlo: He used my name? Monk: He just, you know, say that you need to step to and that. He just running his mouth some. Marlo: He call me a punk? Chris: It was bullshit, man. You ain't need that on your mind. Marlo: What the fuck you know about what I need on my mind, motherfucker? My name was on the street? When we bounce from this shit here, y'all going to go down on them corners and let the people know: Word did not get back to me. Let them know Marlo step to any motherfucker -- Omar, Barksdale, whoever. My name is my name! It's too fucking good. And I don't even care about the money. But understand I'm gonna go down to B. And if you are, I'm gonna say, 'Great. Duquan can come past with his certificate when he gets it and we're still friends. And he can still rely on me. Just a little quote that they clean up. And then it's a whole anecdote. And pretty soon, they're seeing some amazing shit. They're the lucky ones who just happen to be standing on the right street corner in Tel Aviv when the pizza joint blows up and the human head rolls down the street with the eyes still blinking! Klebanow: The pictures were sent to him. The police have confirmed... Gus: It always starts with something true, something confirmed. Fat Face Rick: Shit, nigga, we was good when your uncle had it. You had to go ahead and put up with Marlo... See now, that's just the wrong way to look at it. Then Marlo had his time, short as it was, and the police put an end to that. And now, motherfucker, it's our time. But instead of just shutting up and kicking in, you gon' stand there, crying that back in the day shit. Fat Face Rick: Cheese... Cheese: There ain't no back in the day, nigga! Ain't no nostalgia to this shit here. There's just the street, the game, and what happen here today. Fat Face Rick: You right. When it was Marlo, I was with him. Now we short the nine! Slim Charles: That was for Joe. Gangster: Motherfucker had it comin'. And you've got to live with it and play it out as far as it goes, right? Trapped in the same lie. Only difference is, I know why I did it. But fuck if I can figure out what it gets you in the end. But, hey, I'm not part of your tribe. McNulty: No, no, I'm a fucking joke. And so are you. And I don't say that about many people. Even when they're out here on the felt. I don't give that one up unless it happens to be true. But, Christ, what an asshole! Landsman: Jimmy, I say this seriously. If I was laying there dead on some Baltimore street corner, I'd want you standing over me, catching the case. Because, brother, when you were good, you were the best we had. Daniels: I'll swallow a lie when I have to; I've swallowed a few big ones lately. But the stat games? It's what ruined this department. Shining up shit and calling it gold so majors become colonels and mayors become governors. Pretending to do policework while one generation fucking trains the next how not to do the job. Well, this is the lie I can't live with. Used to be Marlo's bank. But, Marlo ain't around no more, and you're still moving money for other players, so, I'm thinkin' some of that money need to be mine. Vinson: Shit, you just a boy! Michael: That's just your knee. Vinson: That motherfucker shot me!
Seven die in TV Tower Collapse
Anyway, in a scene, the girl tells the man that one of her parents or both had a disease and she was afraid that she might have it too. But at the party he is set up by this gusto who seduces him and ties him up in the basement. The people in the barack would brainwash people to follow them. If I'm not wrong, she was trying to contact her home I remember her going to post office but somehow she couldn't. I don't remember much details but if I'm not pan, the woman was blond and she was one of the famous actresses. I remember the conclusion of where did the name guy wire come from film shattered me emotionally as the young romantics were separated for the later half of the film and re-united at the end, the young man discovers that the young woman was solo and help in a camp where she was used by German soldiers, giving birth multiple times and ended up contracting AIDS. I wanted to make that shit special. And now, motherfucker, it's our time. This scene of the movie is killing me from a few hours i tried print it on google but i wasnt lucky.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.